This blog is managed by Song Hock Chye, author of Improve Your Thinking Skills in Maths (P1-P3 series), which is published and distributed by EPH.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Ai Tong Sch 2009 P6 CA1 Math Paper 2 Q5

The figure below is made up of 2 squares, A and B. The ratio of Square A to Square B is 1:4. The shaded part is 1/5 of Square A. What fraction of the whole figure is shaded?


Shaded part --> 1 unit

Area of Square A --> 5 units (shaded area is 1/5 of Area of Square A)
Note that Square A has 4 units of unshaded and 1 unit of shaded area.

Area of Square B --> 4 x 5 units = 20 units (Area of Square B is 4x that of Square A)
Note that Square B has 19 units of unshaded and 1 unit of shaded area.

Total Area
--> 1 unit (shaded) + 4 units (unshaded Square A) + 19 units (unshaded Square B)
= 24 units

Fraction of shaded area to area of whole figure
--> 1/24

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